Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Beware! Mumbai fast spreading worm

clipped from www.techshout.com
May 8th, 2007 | Related entries: Internet, Security

Conycspa.p Email Worm spreads in Mumbai City

The next time you receive an email with the message ‘screen saver’ in the subject line, and it carries an attachment, beware.

According to security experts at Mumbai-based MicroWorld Technologies, an email worm named ‘Conycspa.p’ is doing the rounds on the Internet. ‘Conycspa.p’ uses spammed mails that promise users a screen saver to users as a medium to infect PCs.

Once a victim of this malware campaign downloads the attachment named ‘web.exe’ and tries to run it as well, the worm ‘Conycspa.p’ gets activated automatically. This worm comes with downloader Trojan capabilities as it tries to log on to many Web sites and bring in several Trojans, Adwares and Porn Dialers.

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