Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Social Networking, India style

From the NYTimes:

Using social networking to connect poor laborers with prospective employees In India, Poverty Inspires Technology Workers to Altruism

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Niche TV- I am famous...

I like this step-by-step article from on using video to get you and your product known.

Friday, October 26, 2007

A useful thought from Seth Godin for sales/marketing/development teams
" I can't afford it"." That's not true.

At least it's not true almost all the time. Very few of your prospects literally can't afford it. What they are really trying to say is, "it's not worth it." As in, it's not worth reprioritizing my life, not worth the risk, not worth what I'll have to give up to get this, not worth being in debt for.

One response to repeated cries of "I can't afford it" is to lower your prices. A better response is to tell a better, more accurate story, and to tell it to the right people. The best response is to make something worth paying for."

Friday, October 19, 2007

Having trouble thinking of the right analogy to drive your point home? No more lame examples, use this handy website Size of Wales to find the right comparison.

Vinay -Analogy King- this is a site you could have done yourself.

I am test-driving the new social web browser Flock, voted by TechCrunch as one of the top 40 most innovative new products.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Buy an SEO Tshirt

Intro on website:

With all the brains, talent, and creativity that make up the SEO world, it surprised us that no one had risen up and given the industry some t-shirt love. Maybe everyone is too busy watching results pages, gaming the engines, or generating serious online funds. All we know is sometimes an industry just needs some t-shirts.

That's where we come in...

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Syncronising your office documents with Google docs

clipped from
One of the biggest drawbacks to working with Webtop productivity applications such as Google Docs or Buzzword is that they force you to work simultaneously in two different worlds: the online world and the desktop world. You can upload your desktop documents one at a time to these services, and they convert them for you into a Web-based document, but there is no easy way to bulk upload your docs. And syncing between the two worlds is more trouble than it is worth
A new service called DocSyncer hopes to fix all that. DocSyncer is going to launch an invite-only beta in a few weeks (TechCrunch readers can sign up here to get first dibs). It uploads all of your Microsoft Office documents (Word, Excel, PowerPoint) from your desktop to Google Docs and then keeps them in sync.
Whenever you make a change on your desktop, the change is automatically reflected in the corresponding file on Google Docs, and on

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Download free version for Mind Mapping from Freemind

Link to: The Website Marketing Mind Map although it claims to make it look easy, probably needs a bit more distillation, but definitely a useful guide.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Right brain vs left brain thinkers

Follow this link to take a very quick and simple quiz and see which side of your brain dominates your thinking process. You may be surprised, I was!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Adobe's new real time collaboration services

clipped from

Adobe Systems Inc. is preparing two hosted services that will allow developers to add real-time collaboration capabilities, including voice over IP, to RIAs (rich Internet applications). The company demonstrated the services-- code-named Pacifica and CoCoMo-- at its Adobe MAX 2007 user conference in Chicago Tuesday.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

FriendFeed -social networking aggregator

FriendFeed as reported in TechCrunch

There has been an absolute flood of tech news. Lost somewhere in the shuffle is the private beta launch of a new startup, founded by four ex-Googlers, called FriendFeed. And while it may not get a lot of attention today, keep an eye on them. I have a feeling it will be a very popular service.

It’s a simple product that, like a ton of sleepy competitors (see Spokeo, ProfileLinker, MyLifeBrand and the more recent Fuser) is trying to help people organize user data stored across a myriad of social networks.

But unlike those competitors, FriendFeed’s simple approach may the way to win. Instead of layering another social network on top of all of the ones you already belong to, FriendFeed is taking the year old Facebook News Feed idea, which may be the single most important feature contributing to the success of Facebook Platform, and opening it up to all social networks.